It's Time to Change the Rules!
Are you embarking on divorce and want to approach the process in a calm, efficient, and family-centered way? There is no need to "lawyer up" and spend the next couple of years spending tens of thousands and experiencing trauma in the courtroom. There is a better way and we are here to show you!
Family Transitions will guide you through the divorce process, providing the knowledge, support, and compassion you need to get to where you want to be. We are committed to changing society's beliefs about divorce, one family at a time!

Meet Our Founder
Regina DeAngelis, founder of Family Transitions® Divorce Coaching & Mediation, is an attorney and mediator with over two decades of family law experience. After her divorce, she was inspired to offer guidance and support as a divorce coach to those contemplating or facing that difficult decision. She believes wholeheartedly that although divorce involves closing one chapter, it is the start of an exciting new story!
Divorce, approached from the perspective of a "family transition," can enable you, your ex-spouse, and most importantly, your children, to emerge healthy and optimistic about the future.
I don't know if anyone ever thanks a "Mediator" but being able to communicate with my ex has meant a lot to me. Our job was to try to make your job as easy as we possibly could as we continue to work toward a resolution. I'm pretty sure I speak for both of us. Keep up the good work "Coach".
In divorce, we both have learned that it IS a transition and does not have to be a fight. I'd love for the world to know that! We have 'settled' quite a bit and are both doing well. Our relationship is like the one you described to us on the first day we met. We will forever be friends and I'm very proud of us.
Had to take a moment to express my gratitude. I’m happy to update that we are doing an incredible job working co-parenting! The girls are starting to adjust to our new normal - more good days than bad now. I’ve been seeing someone who is also recently divorced and makes me feel seen, appreciated, and fun again. I’m grateful for these moments.